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Mental Health Program & Directory

What is the PATH Mental Health Support Program?

After the Dobbs decision in June of 2022 , abortion seekers, people who have had abortions felt despair, rage and helplessness due to a full ban on abortion. Texas Equal Access (TEA) Fund heard these emotions expressed by former clients, abortion storytellers

    and Post Abortion Truth & Healing (PATH) group members. It was out of this that the TEA Fund Mental Health program arose! We have always been committed to helping our community access health care through mutual aid, and mental health care certainly falls under that umbrella. We know that there can be a lot of barriers to accessing mental health care, and we want to provide support that makes it as easy as possible for folks who have had abortions get access to therapy!

    How does it work?

    1. In order to access this directory, you should have already sent an email to mhsupport@teafund.org and filled out the Google form that was automatically sent to you. This is so that we have your information to open a case for you. If you have not done this, please email mhsupport@teafund.org.  
    2. After submitting your google form, you should have received an email with a link to this directory and your four payment vouchers for your first four sessions. Each voucher has an individual case number; this is how we will identify your case to pay for each session. Make sure you keep this email, as you will need to print out/email each voucher to your therapist after each session. 
    3. Take a look at our directory of partner therapists. All of the individual counselors/private practitioners listed in our directory have been interviewed by TEA Fund staff to ensure there is values alignment between the organization and the therapist around supporting people who have had abortions. The therapist group listed has been interviewed as a whole, but individual therapists within the group have not been interviewed individually. 
    4. You are working with the therapist and we are providing funding for the session but your therapy sessions and content of your therapy sessions will be strictly confidential between you and the therapist. TEA Fund believes that your mental health journey should be your own and we only want to support in reducing barriers and increasing access to this service. 
    5. Contact one of the counselors directly to set up an appointment. Make sure you let them know you are part of  the TEA Fund Mental Health Support program. If you already have a therapist or find one outside of our partner directory, please email mhsupport@teafund.org so that we can make sure that therapist accepts our vouchers. 
    6. At your appointment, the therapist will ask for your TEA Fund voucher (which contains your case number). This will allow us to pay for your session giving you some anonymity. We’re all about privacy and confidentiality!
    7. Start your journey of healing! TEA Fund will work with your therapist to handle the payment on the back end so you can focus on your journey to wellbeing. 
    8. The TEA Fund Mental Health Support program can pay for up to 12 sessions* with your therapist. After using the first four vouchers you received upon acceptance to the program, please email mhsupport@teafund.org so that we can send you the next four vouchers. 
    9. If you have any problems or questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at mhsupport@teafund.org. We will do our best to help you however we can!

    * *Additional funding may be available at the discretion of your counselor. 

    Therapist Directory

    Blanca Kleinfall – Kleinfall Counseling

    • Contact information: 
    • Bio: My name is Blanca Kleinfall (she/her) and I have been working with adults and adolescents in a private health setting for over 7 years. My current practice focuses primarily on adults. I earned my Master’s degree in Counseling from the University of North Texas. I have worked with patients who have anxiety, depression, stress, self-esteem and grief. My specialties are working with patients who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, trauma, pregnancy struggles, and abortion. I pride myself in offering a safe and inclusive space for marginalized people and struggles in Texas. As a woman of color who grew up in a strict Hispanic household, I have an intimate understanding of how the constant looming struggles of poverty, racism, and cultural expectations can compound with personal challenges. I cannot change the world, but I can give you tools to live a more fulfilling life while navigating those obstacles. I utilize many counseling theories in my practice, but my foundation is a Humanistic, “Person-centered” approach. Meaning I respect your autonomy, your experiences (and how they may differ from mine), and that you are capable of discerning your own path, solutions and directions in life. As your counselor, my job is to guide you through the bad days and assist you with discovering those answers within yourself. I look forward to helping you develop different perspectives to help you take back control of your life.
    • Specialties: EMDR Therapy, domestic violence, abusive relationships, sexual assault, abortion, pregnancy loss, LGBTQIA+ issues, immigration and refugee counseling, trauma, grief and bereavement, anxiety, depression
    • Hours and availability: Virtual/Telehealth appointments only; available Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 4 pm
    • Available states: Texas

    Aydrelle Collins – Melanin Sex Therapy

    • Contact Information:
      • Email – aydrelle@melaninsextherapy.com
      • Contact number – 817-642-7239
    • Bio: Hello, my name is Aydrelle Collins. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who has completed specialized training from AASECT to become a Sex Therapist. All that means, is that I have the training to help you work through your sex issues. I take a holistic approach to sex therapy. Since your sex life does not exist in a vacuum, I do not treat it like it does. I also am a Somatic Sex Educator in training which means that. I am trained to educate, coach and do bodywork with folx if that is what you need. I am a chill sex positive AF therapist who provides a warm and open space for you discuss any and all of your sex issues. I know that talking about sex can be really hard and embarrassing at first but, I promise you, that after working with me. You will be saying the word sex just as much or maybe even more times than I have typed it in this copy. I don’t know about you but, I feel like I have said the word sex a million times just in this paragraph alone! So, yeah, I love talking about sex and saying the word sex. What you can expect with working with me is a therapist who likes to say the F-word just as much as I like to use the word sex (I use them interchangeably). I am a straightforward, call BS when I see it therapist. Who has a sense of humor and loves referencing Insecure, Drag Race and Megan Thee Stallion when it is therapeutically appropriate. Sexual empowerment is really important to me and working with folx to find out what sexual empowerment looks and feels like to them is what I feel that I do best and it is why I do what I do. I truly mean it when I say that you deserve great sex. Great sex to me is free from shame, guilt, pain and all of the other yucky negative things that you have experienced in the past. Great sex is consensual, healthy, pleasure-based and most importantly FUN!!
    • Specialties: LGBTQIA+ Individual Therapy, Pre-Marital Counseling, Sex Therapy
    • Hours & Availability:  Mon – Thurs 9 to 4, In person & virtual 
    • Available States: Texas

    Dr. Kimberly Burdine 

    • Contact Information:
      • Email – owner@drkimberlyburdine.com
      • Contact number – +19722771535
    • Bio: Kimberly Burdine Psychological Services & Consulting is a mental health and consulting practice, founded by Dr. Kimberly Burdine, who is a Licensed Psychologist.  With more than 15 years of combined experience as an educator and mental health professional, Dr. Burdine is a dedicated leader and champion for equitable, accessible, and justice-oriented mental health and wellness services for marginalized and underserved communities. She has worked as a therapist with adolescents, young adults and early career professionals in various settings since 2005. She has offered consultation and training within higher education since 2013 and expanded to community-based consulting and training in 2018.
    • Specialties: Client-centered and relational approach; Cultural identity development; Identity-based stress and trauma; Authenticity
    • Hours & Availability:  100% Virtual; Select mornings and afternoons available; Weekday evenings available
    • Available States: TX & OK

    Dr. Marshall Bewley

    a picture of dr. marshall bewley. Dr. Bewley is wearing a tan sweater and white button up underneath. There are plants in the background and a white wall.

    • Contact Information:
    • Bio: Hey there, my name is Dr. Marshall Bewley, and I am a licensed psychologist and located in Denton, Texas. I provide psychological services, individual, and group psychotherapy to adults and couples in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and greater state of Texas. I offer all LGBTQ+ clients the unique opportunity to know before we meet that I am someone from their own community with a licensed, trained, studied, and personal understanding of their development and current issues. I have been a licensed psychologist for 10+ years and have been working in the field of mental health for 15+ years. Throughout my professional journey, I have focused on helping clients create change and live more authentically. For some, this has meant living openly and proudly as an LGBTQ+ identified individual. For others, managing mood symptoms, resolving relationship issues, grieving a loss, or improving communication in a relationship was a focus. Regardless of your reason for seeking treatment, you can trust that I will assist you in living the life that you desire, increasing positive thinking, increasing proactive behaviors, and creating other new opportunities that you desire. My goal is for you to not only feel better but teach you skills that you can utilize if/when future struggles return at some point in the future.
    • Specialties: LGBTQ+ issues/wellness; interpersonal and relational therapy; cognitive-behavioral; acceptance and commitment therapy
    • Hours & Availability: Mondays – Thursdays, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. central time; In-person or Virtual
    • Available States: Texas, and 38 states part of PSYPACT (https://psypact.org/mpage/psypactmap)

    Wild Geese Counseling Collective

    a white square with a black logo that reads WildGeese Counseling Collective and a WG circle brand next to it.

    • Contact Information:
    • Bio: Wild Geese Counseling Collective is a private counseling & coaching practice that emphasizes trauma-informed, non-judgmental care. We believe that healing happens best through relationships. That’s why we prioritize creating a safe space to explore the deepest of shames and the highest of hopes without fear.We believe in collaboration, and our aim is to step into the clients’ worlds so we can best determine the way forward. Our therapists provide individual in-person and virtual counseling sessions to clients of all ages, from littles to the more-seasoned.
    • Specialties: Our therapists have various specialties including LGBTQ+ populations, EMDR, trauma, Trans Care, relations, ACT, CBT, addictions, PTSD, C-PTSD.
    • Hours & Availability: Virtual; hours depend on therapist availability
    • Available States: Texas

    Dr. Chris Slack

    A picture of a person standing outside smiling in a blue button up shirt. There is a pathway and brick wall with windows behind them.

    • Contact Information:
    • Bio:  My name is Dr. Chris Slack (he/him), and I am a licensed psychologist located in Grapevine, Texas. I’ve been working in a private practice setting over the past several years called Grapevine Psychology providing individual psychotherapy services to adults and adolescents. I joined Grapevine Psychology from Texas Woman’s University where I earned my Master’s and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. Throughout my training, I’ve had the privilege of working in a variety of settings including a domestic violence agency, a residential substance abuse treatment center, and a college counseling center. I have considerable experience working with survivors of trauma, young adults, individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, and those struggling with anxiety and depression. I’m a therapist who values social justice, as well as empowering and working collaboratively with clients. My approach to therapy is integrative, meaning I draw from a number of therapeutic approaches, which I believe helps me tailor the therapeutic process to each client’s unique needs. Some of the approaches that I more commonly draw from include interpersonal process, relational-cultural, cognitive-behavioral, and feminist therapy approaches. My professional interests include Ally and activist identity development, intimate partner violence, trauma recovery, addiction/substance abuse recovery, feminist therapy approaches, and liberation psychology. Outside my role as a psychologist, I enjoy spending time outdoors hiking, fostering animals from the shelter, and spending time with my four cats (Forest, Finn, Axel, and Luna) and dogs, Wheezy and Eevee!
    • Specialties: Trauma recovery; partner violence; LGBTQ+ issues/wellness; integrative approach with emphasis on interpersonal process, relational-cultural, cognitive-behavioral, and feminist therapy approaches.
    • Hours & Availability: Mondays – Fridays; times vary per day, but generally fall between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. central time; In-person or virtual
    • Available States:  Texas, and 39 states within the PSYPACT program.

    Dr. Kari Leavell – Grapevine Psychology

    • Contact Information:
    • Bio:  As a psychologist, I work to help clients understand their emotional experiences through biology, psychology, and science.  I use of metaphors, share of information, and practice new skills with clients in session.  I value the use of transparency by answering questions honestly, discussing treatment recommendations and interventions clearly, and engaging in exploration openly.  Essential ingredients for effective and meaningful therapy include collaboration, modeling, risk-taking, safety, empathy,  trust, and openness; if we both bring these to the table, recipes of healing are made.
    • Specialties:  anxiety, phobias, sleep issues, grief, and the neurology of mental health.
    • Hours & Availability: In-person and virtual options by appointment only, Monday-Friday.
    • Available States: Texas, and any PSYPACT-participating state (https://psypact.org/mpage/psypactmap)


    Frequently Asked Questions

    How many vouchers will I receive?

    You can receive 12 vouchers  from TEA Fund. Upon acceptance to the program, you will be sent your first four vouchers. After using these four vouchers, email mhsupport@teafund.org to receive your next set of four vouchers. 3 more vouchers (for a total of 15) can be provided at your therapist’s discretion (that is, if your therapist thinks you should continue for three more sessions). 

    How much is a voucher worth?

    Our voucher is good for a full session with the therapist you choose, regardless of cost per session. That way you don’t have to worry about the cost of your therapist; TEA Fund pays all of our partner therapists the full price of their services. 

    What therapy options can I use my vouchers for?

    All of the therapists in this directory have agreed to partner with us and will accept TEA Fund Mental Health Support vouchers. If you already have a therapist or find one outside of those listed in this directory, please contact mhsupport@teafund.org so that we can get in touch with them to see if they accept payment vouchers. 

    I already have a therapist…can I still receive TEA Fund vouchers?

    If you already have a therapist, please contact mhsupport@teafund.org and provide your therapist’s name and contact information so that we can get in touch with them to see if they accept payment vouchers. 

    What if I don’t like any of the therapy options listed in the directory?

    You are welcome to explore therapy options listed outside of this directory if no one listed here meets your needs! However, we cannot ensure that any therapist not listed here will accept payment vouchers. If you find a therapist outside of this directory, please contact mhsupport@teafund.org and provide your desired therapist’s name and contact information so that we can get in touch with them to see if they accept payment vouchers. 

    What do I do once I receive my vouchers?

    Once you receive your initial four vouchers, you will need to reach out to a therapist to schedule an appointment. If you choose one of the therapists listed above, let them know that you are a part of the TEA Fund Mental Health Support program when contacting them. If you already have a therapist or find one outside of those listed in this directory, please contact mhsupport@teafund.org so that we can get in touch with them to see if they accept payment vouchers. 

    Can vouchers be used for more than one therapist?

    We know that not everybody will click with the first therapist they meet. TEA Fund Mental Health Support vouchers are not therapist-specific; that is, if one therapist isn’t the right fit, you are free to use your remaining vouchers with a different therapist.

    How can I receive additional vouchers?

    You will receive 12 vouchers in total, in 3 sets of 4 vouchers. You should have received your first set of four vouchers in the same email that had the link to this directory. Once you have used your first 4 vouchers, email mhsupport@teafund.org and we will send your next set of vouchers. After using this set, reach out to us again for your final set. If after receiving all 12 vouchers your therapist recommends you to receive additional support, they will reach out to us directly and we will then send you the additional set of 3 vouchers (for a maximum total of 15 vouchers). 

    Can I refer a friend to the TEA Fund Mental Health Support Program?

    At this time, the TEA Fund Mental Health Support Program is only for PATH group  members. If we expand the program in the future beyond the PATH group, we will let you know! But until then, please do not share this website with anyone outside the PATH group. 

    I have a question not answered here…how do I get in touch with you?

    Have any other questions about the Mental Health Support program that aren’t answered here? Email us at mhsupport@teafund.org